Made in Germany
Our mission: Better water - WELLAN 2000® GmbH world wide

WELLAN GmbH world-wide is a company based in Böblingen, about 20 kilometers southwest of Stuttgart. Company founder Klaus Wagner began to deal intensively with the subject of water treatment back in the early nineties. Conventional water treatment focused on the task of removing lime from calcified and rusted pipes. Often, this did not take into account the need to focus on water quality. Klaus Wagner took on this task in addition to his work as an alternative practitioner and developed the WELLAN® 2000, a biosignal water treatment system that frees pipes from limescale, stops corrosion and works regardless of whether the water is flowing or at rest.

Innovative water treatment and environmental relief with WELLAN 2000®

lime-free, corrosion-free, antibacterial

Water is a basic prerequisite for life. The human body consists of about two-thirds water and the surface of the earth also has a water content of two-thirds. Although clear liquid is one of the most important foodstuffs for humans, only about 0.6% of the earth’s water-covered surface is drinking water. In some cases, this is even more or less heavily loaded. With our innovative WELLAN 2000® ring, we have developed a gentle technology that can significantly improve water quality.

Who we are

WELLAN GmbH world-wide is a company located in Böblingen, about 20 kilometers southwest of Stuttgart. Company founder Klaus Wagner began to deal intensively with the subject of water treatment as early as the beginning of the nineties. Conventional water treatment focused on the task of removing limescale from calcified and rusted pipes. Often, this has ignored a further focus on water quality. Klaus Wagner took on this challenge in addition to his work as an alternative practitioner and developed the WELLAN® 2000, a biosignal water treatment device that frees pipes from limescale, stops corrosion and works regardless of whether the water is flowing or at rest.

What we do

Our WELLAN GmbH world-wide develops water treaters that work on the basis of biosignals. In addition, we produce and distribute these technologies ourselves – both in Germany and internationally.

On the market there are a lot of different water treatment devices: some of them work with chemistry, others need electricity, and still others are based on the action of magnets. The prerequisite of all these water treaters is that the water flows and does not stand still. In contrast, our WELLAN 2000® works without chemicals, electricity or magnets, and its effectiveness does not depend on the water being in motion.

The effort and hard work that Klaus Wagner has invested in this project in cooperation with other private institutes has paid off: The WELLAN 2000® ring is a mature and forward-looking technology. It meets the water treatment in all areas and can free pipes as well as stop corrosion and positively influence the water quality without polluting the environment. Pure water right at home, of course, also means a plus in well-being and health.

VIDEO english: HKH Waters India

What we want

First and foremost, our aim is to inform you in detail and to give you an opportunity to convince yourself personally and unconstrained of the function and mode of action of the WELLAN 2000® Biosignal Water Treater and our other products. All our customers may test the WELLAN 2000® ring beforehand and then decide for or against the purchase without any further obligations. Try is wise – so just try it!

Tackling environmental challenges: We think green

The rapidly advancing technology of today offers great advantages and achievements in many ways. In the meantime, numerous diseases can be cured and everyday life can be made much easier in many areas. However, technological advancement is also having a less pleasant impact, for example on our environment. With our future-oriented WELLAN 2000® we can take water treatment to a new level, because our technology does not pollute the environment and even helps to get healthy water directly from the tap. Creating harmony between man and nature with our “green technology” is one of our top priorities.

These are our products

The WELLAN 2000® ring can be used to reduce existing limescale and rust deposits in the water pipes and prevent future limescale formation. With the help of vibrations, the water is revitalized and the quality of drinking water is thus improved. Healthy water completely without chemicals, magnets or electricity. Learn more…

With the WELLAN® power ring, fuel can be atomized better during refueling, resulting in improved combustion. Not only is the engine’s performance increased, but pollutant emissions are also reduced. With fuel savings of up to 15%, the WELLAN® Power Ring makes a significant contribution to environmental relief. The ring can be used not only for refueling, but also for heating oil supply. Learn more…

The Metum-Stic is a bioenergy beverage refiner. The innovative rod is placed directly into the glass and regenerates the water. In this way, excess acids are reduced and all drinks (including alcoholic) are made more digestible. Learn more…

Fields of application of the WELLAN 2000®

The WELLAN 2000® ring is used in the following areas:

Basics of function and mode of action

One of the great advantages of WELLAN 2000® is that the mode of operation and action is based on vibrations. Neither chemicals nor magnets nor electricity are needed for gentle water treatment. This also means that there are no side effects or damage to humans or the environment to be feared.

The basic principle of WELLAN 2000® is based on information and frequencies given by the ring to the water and absorbed by it. The information is stored on the WELLAN 2000® ring by laser technology. This can be compared to a CD or credit card, only in reverse: with the CD or credit card, the information is converted into images or sounds using laser technology.

The signals from the WELLAN 2000® ring can effortlessly penetrate all pipe systems and deliver the information unhindered to the water, whether it is moving or stationary.

Scientific discussion

Unfortunately, the mode of action of our products cannot yet be proven with today’s generally accepted scientific methods. Our findings are based on alternative concepts. In addition, the testimonials of our users, customers and partners speak for themselves. To make the effect of WELLAN 2000® tangible, we have a range of illustrative materials. Various before-and-after pictures show what WELLAN 2000® can achieve.

Our quality promise

We are completely convinced of the effectiveness of our WELLAN 2000® ring and would also like to offer you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with our products personally and without coercion. Therefore, we will provide you with the WELLAN 2000® ring for a trial period upon request. Then you can freely decide for or against the purchase.

When you purchase WELLAN 2000®, you also receive a 10-year warranty on materials, function and effectiveness. As a rule, the WELLAN 2000® ring does not “wear out”, but represents a very sustainable product that continues to function as desired even after the 10-year warranty has expired.

Our certificates

Excerpts from various expert reports that have dealt with WELLAN 2000® and its mode of action are provided here. Among other things, you will find test reports on crystal analysis, image comparison between a neutral sample and a sample with WELLAN 2000®, energy enrichment by WELLAN 2000®, and the antimicrobial effect of our Biosignal Water Treater.
