Reasons to use WELLAN 2000®
There are many reasons to use WELLAN 2000®.
WELLAN® 2000 is used in: apartments, single and multi-family homes. Businesses (hotels/restaurants, shops that sell and prepare fresh meat and food such as butcher shops and bakeries, hair salons, dentists’ offices etc.) and wherever lime-neutral water is important, and machines are used that are susceptible to calcification.
10 advantages of WELLAN 2000®
- Dissolves lime and rust deposits in piping
- Reduces lime residues on water taps, sinks, dishwashers and washing machines
- Less cleaning agents and detergents are needed to achieve the same result
- Calms the water (water feels softer)
- lnhibits the growth of algae and germs
- Energizes and revitalizes and informatively detoxifies water (dextrorotatory water)
- Effective for both cold and hot water (only one device is needed for hot and cold water)
- Works regardless of whether water is standing or flowing (range up to 2,500m)
- Works without electricity, chemicals or magnets (inherent energy)
- 10.Wellan works wherever water is standing or flowing
Independent of the degree of hardness of the water, it is always a good decision to treat water with WELLAN® 2000.
Water treated with WELLAN® 2000 has the following advantages:
- Reduces the amount of washing and cleaning agents (as well as the amount of time needed to clean).
- Dishwashers and washing machines need fewer additives such as dishwasher salts, fabric softeners and detergents.
- Preserves taps, fittings and other sanitary furnishings by eliminating the need for aggressive cleaning agents.
- Reduces the amount of body wash products needed and leaves skin feeling smooth and soft.
- Reduces the environmental impact and amount of water used.
- lmproves the quality of drinking water by powerfully energizing the water.
- Prevents formation of algae (e.g. in swimming pools).
- Goes easy on the household budget.
Please observe
In order for you to get the most out of your free 4-week trial period and see the effectiveness and quality of the WELLAN® 2000 Ring for yourself, please observe the following:
- WELLAN® 2000 begins acting immediately upon installation.
- The great absorption capacity of the water enables it to dissolve lime deposits. Lime returns to its original state as calcium ions. Although it is always possible for lime deposits to reappear wherever water comes into contact with oxygen, these are easily removed.
- The water is not chemically changed. Important mineral matter remains present as ions (electrolytes).
- The water becomes noticeably softer due to the alteration of the surface tension.
In places with hard water, calcification often occurs in water pipes, home appliances and hot water boilers. Galvanised steel pipes have the most calcification. Generally, every hot water line is greatly affected by calcification. WELLAN® 2000 causes layers of lime to begin dissolving immediately, without negatively affecting the pipes (the pH value is not influenced). The first time the device is used, dirt and rust particles attached to the layers of lime may break off in clumps. If you have small screens (water aerators) on your water taps, they will act as a fitter to collect these pieces. We recommend cleaning the screens from time to time to prevent blockage. Depending on the piping, the water may take on a milky to rust colouring during the first days. Don’t worry, this is a good sign, it means the pipes are freeing up. Simply let the water run until it is clear. Do this once a week.
To improve your water quality to an even greater extent, we recommend installing a filter on your water main to clean the water entering from the outside of particles brought along with the flowing water. These filters are available at your local sanitary goods store.
- Calcified screens clean themselves. The exception is screens that have had lime deposits on them for a long period of time (the lime has hardened due to exposure to oxygen). These types of lime deposits are difficult to remove and sometimes need several weeks to dissolve.
- A cloudy film is often found in bathrooms on washbasins and shower tiles. lf this is due to lime in the water, the cloudy film will vanish after cleaning with the new water. The surfaces feel smooth again. Calcified nozzles in the shower head automatically open up as the water flows through them. Water taps and fittings shine like new. Lime deposits in the toilet cistern also dissolve after a short amount of time.
- The water is noticeably softer during showering or bathing. You use less soap and body wash products.
- Lime deposits on water taps, fittings and stainless steel sinks dissolve and can usually be removed without cleaning agents using just a sponge. Lime deposits are much less severe in the future. In most cases, dishwashers can be run with less salt and softeners (at the low level). Dishes and glasses are sparkling clean, and the inside of the dishwasher is cleaned as well. The heating coils are freed of lime. Pressurecookers and stainless steel pots have much less lime that deposits on them during cooking and this is removed with ease. Layers of lime that form at extremely high temperatures come off in small flakes.
- Calcification in older piping installations often leads to reduced water pressure at the individual exit points. As the decalcification process runs its course throughout the entire pipe system with WELLAN® 2000, the water pressure noticeably increases.
- Considerable savings in detergents and softeners are possible. The life of your washing machine is extended thanks to the automatic decalcification of the drum and heating coils.
- House and garden plants experience increased growth thanks to WELLAN® water. Flowerpots no longer have lime residues. Concrete slaps covered in moss and algae are easily cleaned without cleaning agents.
The characteristics mentioned above are just a few of those that have been noticed most often by our customers.
See for yourself, what you may experience other positive results as well.
Photo credits: Adobestock – Jaroslav Machacek